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Seniors 65+ Christmas Party

Kwah Hall 120 Hwy 27, Fort St James, Canada

Open to all seniors 65+ in and around Fort St. James. Multiple craft tables from various resources, bingo, santa, turkey luncheon, angel tree gift distribution.

Jingle & Mingle

Kwah Hall 120 Hwy 27, Fort St James, Canada

Elders 65+ Christmas Holiday Event

Remembrance Day

Kwah Hall 120 Hwy 27, Fort St James, Canada

Meet at Zion Chapel Church by 10:45am for parade to Cenotaph. Laying of wreaths, colour party march back to Zion Chapel. Purchase a wreath text: 250-996-3085 Community lunch to follow at Kwah Hall, c-hosted with Nak'azdli Whut'en and District of Fort St. James.

Indigenous Veterans Day

Kwah Hall 120 Hwy 27, Fort St James, Canada

10:00 - Opening, Welcome, Land Acknowledgement 10:15 - Drumming and Singing 10:35 - Whunats'ulnih Dzin (Lest We Forget) 10:40 - Veterans and Hnourable Mentions 11:00 - Moment of Silence, Slide Show, Displays 12:00 - Feast

Nusde Whuba Alh’goh Uts’ut’en

Kwah Hall 120 Hwy 27, Fort St James, Canada

Working Toward the Future Together Honouring National Truth and Reconciliation Day To honour the Children who never came home, Residential School Survivors, their children and communities.