Notes to complete the Submit an Event form
- Create a descriptive and concise Event Title.
- In the Events Description, list the important details that people will need to know.
- Create either a single event in the Event Time and Date, or create a Recurring Event (a series, or program):
- Click on Schedule Multiple Events
- In "Happens..." choose once for one more event to be added; or choose weekly, or monthly etc. Note that the options for weekly and monthly are reflected by the starting date you have entered (for example, if you want to create a monthly event on every 2nd Tuesday of the month, the first date you entered must be the 2nd Tuesday)
- Need to skip one of your regular programming events in the series (for example, if an event falls on a Stat Holiday)? Enter these as Exceptions
- Event Images! We recommend
- Create a square image that is graphic with very little text. The images will not be resizable in the calendar, so textual information will be lost - All event details should be included in the Event Description as above.
- Please submit as a .jpg or .png only.
- Event Categories are searchable to select only. Note that your event will automatically be added the category of "Submitted" to distinguish this as a community event from a library event.
- Venue Details: please be accurate when creating your venue for the first time!
- Organizer Details: please be accurate, so that a community member knows who to contact!
- Event Website: this is your website, so community members can find out more about you.
- Additional Fields: your name and contact info entered here are for library administration purposes only and will not be visible on the public listing.
- Event Cost: if you are charging for the event, please enter here. If Free! then enter a zero (0).
Make sure to Agree by checking the box under the Terms of Conditions!