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Administrative Responsibility

The Library Director is responsible for administering this policy.

The Library Director is responsible for maintaining and amending the procedures under this policy. Please refer to the following procedure documents:

  • Registering New Patrons Procedure
  • Registering Temporary Patrons Procedure
  • Registering BC One Card Patrons




  1. The Fort St. James Public Library promotes the greatest possible use of its collection by providing free membership opportunities to all eligible persons. (Please refer to the relevant procedure documents for eligibility requirements.)
  2. The Library requires that a person registering as a member of the Library show identification.
  3. The Library shall collect, store, maintain and share members’ personal information pursuant to the Confidentiality Policy and Procedure.
  4. When a person wishes to register as a Library member, the employee shall:
    • if the person will be a new member, follow the Registering New Patrons Procedure
    • if the person will be a temporary member, follow the Registering Temporary Patrons Procedure, or
    • if the person is a BC One Card holder, follow the Registering BC One Card Patrons procedure.
  5. A member may:
    • borrow materials from the Library’s collection pursuant to the Circulation Policy and Procedure, and
    • borrow materials from other participating libraries pursuant to the Interlibrary Connect/Interlibrary Loan Policy and Procedure.
  6. A member:
    • must keep their membership information (name, phone number and address) up to date, and
    • may be held responsible for charges resulting from inaccurate contact information.
  7. A member who has lost their library card:
    • may be held responsible for materials borrowed by another person using their card until the Library has been notified of a theft or loss
    • should obtain a replacement card as soon as possible to avoid misuse of their lost card and their personal information attached to the card; and
    • shall be charged $5.00 for a replacement card.
  8. The Library Director may revoke a library membership for nonpayment of fees and charges for lost or damaged materials.
  9. A member shall have no more than one active membership card at any time.
  10. A member must observe and respect the Library Patron Code of Conduct.

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