Free With Your Library Card!
LinkedIn Learning gives you free access to over 16,000 online courses taught by industry experts in business, technology and creative topics. You can pick which topics you are interested in to tailor fit them to your needs, and received a certificate upon successful completion of the course. Includes courses in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, and Portuguese. LinkedIn will continue to invest in delivering high-quality, expert-led courses that engage learners.
Gale Courses offers a wide range of highly interactive, instructor led courses that you can take entirely online. Courses run for six weeks and new sessions begin every month.
Niche Academy
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
What is a MOOC? A wide range of free not-for-credit (some fees apply for credit courses) courses commonly offered through universities and colleges, and open to anyone. Course length and time commitments vary. Teaching is through video lectures, podcasts, online discussions and links to articles and ebooks. Here are some examples where many courses are free (look for auditing options):
- Cognitive Class is an initiative by IBM to spread data literacy through free classes for students and experienced IT professionals alike. Users can pursue coursework at their own pace with no time restrictions for completion. Covers topics like Python for data science, reactive architecture, and digital analytics and regression.
- Coursera – courses that span the humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics, business and computer science. Notable courses offered through the University of Alberta & Coursera are Indigenous Canada and Science Literacy.
- EDX – partnership between MIT, Harvard, Berkeley and University of Texas. McGill University, the University of Toronto and others, offering courses “designed to be interesting, fun and rigorous.”
- Kadenze - focuses on music, visual arts, creative technology
- MOMA - hear directly from artists and designers, look closely at works in our collection and exhibitions, and join a global community of learners unlike any other. Enroll any time and complete the course at your own pace.